Micah at the March for Midwives last year.
And it needs your support. Mark your calendars and support a female's right to choose the way in which she welcomes her little ones into this world. The Public Hearing for SB 314 will take place
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 from 11:00 until 13:30
Alabama State House on 11 South Union Street in Montgomery, Alabama 36130
Do your civic duty and please make plans to attend the Public Hearing for SB 314 (the "midwife bill"). The Alabama Birth Coalition needs all the support they can get in Montgomery on that day. More information about the who/what/where/when will be forthcoming. For now, start lining up babysitters and take your fancy clothes to the dry cleaner. To find a carpool and get more details, visit the Facebook page. Or join the Yahoo group. And don't forget to READ THE BILL! It doesn't make sense to come and march for laws which you only know in theory, since the legislative process ensures that the devil is in the details.
The bill is being sponsored by sponsored by Senators Bussman and Holtzclaw. It was bill assigned to the Senate Health Committee, which presents the usual hurdles to getting the bill out of committee. The Alabama Birth Coalition writes:
We need for the members of Senate Health to hear from as many Alabamians as possible! This is urgent. So here's what you need to do: Head to this link and scroll to the Health Committee. And then start writing and/or dialing. If you call (call the Montgomery numbers), be polite and brief, stating simply your name and that you would like to encourage Senator _______ to fully support SB314/"the midwife bill", not only with his/her vote, but also by his/her attendance at any public hearing or vote related to SB314. If you write (send to Montgomery address and address envelope to "The Honorable [Senator's full name]), make the same requests. Senator Bussman is vice-chair of Health, so you **do not** need to call his office. If you'd like to write to him, please do so only to thank him for his work and tireless support of our issue.
Also, if you don't know your state representatives, anything is a good excuse to get to know them. Our Congressman is Bill Poole (R) for State House District 63. Our Senator is Bobby Singleton (D) for State Senate District 24. Who's your daddy? Find out right here.